Legendary Defender of Ascalon Cape
While the Defender of Ascalon title is small and irrelevant to the entire game that is of Guild Wars, I just thought I'd submit an idea that I had while "dying... who knows how many times to weak birds." ~KillaKarl
The cape that Rurik wears, I'm assuming, is the cape of the guild Devona and the rest of our heroes are in. It's hard to say, due to the fact that they don't wear their guild cape. The name of the guild, however, is Ascalon's Chosen. While the name of the guild is different from that of the title, I doubt (or at least I hope) that people won't disagree on my idea soley on that fact.
Why not make the cape (that is, Rurik's cape) appear on your character when you have the title equipped. I don't see how this would be difficult to add in, due to the fact that the cape is already in the game, and that the title would just act as a "trigger" for the cape to appear.
For those that want the title, but wish to keep their guild cape, make it so you must set your current guild cape to "Always Hide (Except PvP)".
Of course, the cape won't function in PvP.
Please don't respond to this with "it's just a stupid title" or "it will ruin KoaBD". This is just a simple idea that will just add more visual aspects to the game. It doesn't make characters more powerful or change anything except visual elements. It's simply a fun thing I thought of while talking with friends.
I doubt this has been suggested before. If it has, the Blue Dog would not allow me to see so. C'est la vie.